Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hermanus Trip

Hi All;

Finally I get to show everybody the singing group I have been talking about; i havent asked him if i can add it on here; so hopefully I wont get into trouble for this anyway here is a picture I took in the auditorium when they were in Concert...Esethu and Nami had their own, with mummy as the audience!!!

Anyway this was in Hermanus, a small holiday town about 150km out of Cape Town, here are more pics

More pics to follow guys....
Have a great day!! Oh and we have all recovered from the food poisoning....

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Mummy pics

A few more of me, then I will add more of Nami & Esethu

Black and white....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nami & Esethu

These are also from the photoshoot!!!

Mummy and Daddy

A little bit of photo fun!!

From the Photo Shoot

Also from the photo shoot

Photo Update

Hi Guys...

I know its been really long, I have been very busy at work lately...Anyway we did the photo shoot and it was load of fun....I have lots of pics to share, but they are quite big, so will upload very slowly...in the meantime... for your stamp collection here's Esethu and Nami!!!

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Thank you


Thank you all for the birthday messages. I am trully blessed to have family and friends like you...will upload photos very soon!

Monday, July 06, 2009

Sunny Sunday in mid winter!!!

Hi Guys;
Well Buhle came back yesterday and it was a very beautiful day; so he and the kids were busy in the garden while the girls; decided to bask in the sun, unfortunately, i was the camera lady- so no pics of me!!

Esethu took it as an opportunity to play in the grass....

Nami decided to help clean up!!
he really tried to get rid of the hat!!

Soccer lover just like Daddy!!!

Getting tired already!!!


I just thought all these pictures will make up for the week!

Friday, July 03, 2009

And on the Sabbath day- we rest

Just thought I should share that we are all fine, missing Buhle, although the kids are very excited to have Auntie Mandi around...they dont even notice me when i get home!!! I will upload pictures from the weekend next week...

Hope you all have a restful Sabbath, Buhle will be in Basildon for the Sabbath...looking forward to seeing him on Sunday morning.

Esethu was 2months old in this picture!!! Like i said I am going into the archives!!! Nami was with her friend Thatho!!!

Spot the Difference

Hi Guys...
Just some light hearted fun...
Who can tell me who is in picture one, two or three

Look forward to your comments!!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

This week

Hi guys;

I dont have a camera this week as Buhle is in Norway and took it with him. We are okay, the twins seems to have taken a liking to Esethu, they protest and scream everytime Esethu cries, and when he is quiet they whistle happily!!! Anyway Mandi arrived yesterday and they have warmed up to her already!! This post was the last time she was here in 2006, we had a lot of visitors then and there are lots of pic and memories there.

Just a quick update to say we are fine, God is shielding us from any harm.