Friday, June 26, 2009

The Sabbath Delight

The week has really been a short one for me, although I have been very tired as well, just didnt realise it was Friday already. Well Buhle will be travelling to Norway tomorrow evening; its always sad to part with him, pray for us people please!! Anyway we are all fine, the kids are fine, fighting as usual. We heard some bad news last night; but we also know that all things that the Lord allows to happen; He will give us the strength to face them.

Anyway Just thought I should share my delights this Sabbath

Nami last week Friday evening.

Buhle and Esethu also last week Friday.

Esethu sometime this week...

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Twins...

So it was Father's day yesterday...We decided to get Buhle a pair of birds...Cockatiels. We know that he has always loved birds and so we decided that we should get them for Father's day. Their names are Loli and Lolo....Nami is very fascinated by them and keeps on checking on them. We had to hang them up higher because Esethu kept on trying to get hold of the apple!!!! Just thought we should share the new additions...with everyone else.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Sabbath Rest

I DO hope that we will ALL get to rest this Sabbath!!!! This is when Esethu was three months old and Nami 2 and a half years old.

Well I cant believe its Friday already! Well we are visiting another church tomorrow; the group in which Buhle sings (Solid Foundation) is singing in two churches tomorrow, so we will be going with him. Last Sabbath the sermon was very practical and real. Just wanted to wish you all a wonderful Sabbath. We are looking forward to a visit from Mandie in the next few weeks. Well I hope to hear from you all, feel free to leave comments so we can know that you actually check the blog.

Have a Blessed Sabbath.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Botswana Dress


A friend of ours Karabo; came to visit over Christmas and bought Nami the Botswana traditional dress; here's a photo of her in the outfit. It was taken in December 2008...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Birthday Cake

Here is Nami with Esethu's birthday cake!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Early morning pic...also taken December 2008!
Esethu at 6months, also taken in December 2008; he spent most of his summer days in his diaper.

The Update in Epics

The next few posts will be a few pics of Nami and Esethu over the past year, if i wait until they are in order we may have to wait another year; so I will post them and then I'll tell you when they were taken. The weekend was very good for all of us, I think as usual we got to bond as a family and Buhle's sermon went well and we had lunch with all the friends we had invited and the guys that he sings with. Esethu is slowly getting used to these guys and doesn't hide anymore when they arrive....Nami is still a social butterfly and loves all visitors that come!!!

In this pic; Esethu was 6months old and Nami was 2 years, 9months old.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Esethu turns 1 already!!!


I have decided to change my blog a bit, it is now extended to Esethu as well (officially) although, he has already been 'featured'! Anyway it was his first birthday three days ago and Nami spent the entire day singing 'happy birthday' whenever she remembered; much to his amusement!!! Anyway, Nami has stopped going to creche after the bronchiolitis episode. So they are both at home and very busy...I will post some recent photos of the 'Hlatshwayo seed' as soon as I get them organised. For now, just wanted to tell you all that, we are still alive and Happy by God's Grace! Buhle will be preaching tomorrow; please keep him in your prayers as especially for this purpose. Enjoy the Sabbath.